… is one that requires a couple of days of recovery. Therefore, Sunday morning (7am) we set off towards the newly ensnowed (cool word, right?) slopes of Poiana Brasov. Got there at 10 and, with the help of a multitasking ski rental guy, we were on the slopes at 11:30. So, dear reader, please don’t multitask… ever, leave that to multi-core CPUs.
If at first the atmosphere was foggy, at noon the mist broke off, providing everybody on Postavaru Mountain with sun and gorgeous winter scenery (best views I’ve seen.. this year!):
Here you can see me chilling in the snow. I even had a Coca Cola slurpy (others might tell that I bought a bottle of Coke, lost it and Andreea found it half frozen, on the next run… whatever.. it was a great slurpy!).
Skiing was the perfect opportunity to test out my new toy, an outdoors GPS from Garmin. Combined with maps from Openmapmtb, tracks from Bikemap and tools like Google Earth, it becomes an awesome little thingy.
Can anybody guess where I was when I took the photo above?