Autumn brings its harvest
Photo harvest, of course. And here you have some photos from Leuven. Somebody reminded me that, almost one year ago, the Erasmus adventure began. So happy 1-year-since-Erasmus-in-Leuven-began day!
Photo harvest, of course. And here you have some photos from Leuven. Somebody reminded me that, almost one year ago, the Erasmus adventure began. So happy 1-year-since-Erasmus-in-Leuven-began day!
That’s how I feel when I’m developing a film. Like I’m waiting for Santa Claus. I rarely use film, so I don’t know what’s gonna pop up. Here I discovered some Leuven landscapes (hint: the Stadhuis is in the background): Continue…
1) Biblioteca Centrala din Leuven e comparabil de frumoasa cu Biblioteca Centrala Universitara din Bucuresti: 2) In Bucuresti, langa BCU e un cartof pe bat, aici langa biblioteca e un gandac pe bat: 3) Dacii: Continue…
Camera pe trepied pe camin (se vede tzigla), 90 de poze @ 30 de secunde fiecare, pana a murit bateria (tine dubios de putin la 0 grade Celsius), cablu USB pe geam pana la leptop, de unde controlam procesul: Continue…