We made a lot of jokes about barracks, dogs, gipsies. They were funny. But enough already. I hope everyone knows by know that Romania is not full of barracks, that dogs are cute and that gipsies are cool. Therefore, I am now officially stopping all the barrack/dog/gipsy jokes!
NOT! Welcome to my hut! That set of pictures is from the visit to the Village Museum. Heidi admired the traditional barrack architecture, tasted the traditional rose syrup and chased the traditional chickens (puii).
The night before we attended the Museum Night. Some highlights of the evening:
– the Central Library has a lot of Macs; economical crisis, what? where?
– Orange projected a 3d movie onto the Architecture Faculty; awesome effects, but it lacked a story
– at the Romana Square bus stop there is a huge touchscreen which can be used for browsing the web (last pic in the series); obviously, somebody JUST HAD TO put unorthodox movies on it…