Last week’s most important event
The Cat – bookmarking a video on youtube (or at least trying to). Continue…
The Cat – bookmarking a video on youtube (or at least trying to). Continue…
While all cars are now changing from summer to winter tyres (mandatory since this year), I switched Cara from her usual offroad/wet/snow tyres to a pair of brand new Continental city/dry/slick tyres. Can’t wait for the first snow in Bucharest to k… Continue…
Seriously, what’s up? Do we need an end of the world each week? In 1999, with the Y2K bug, it was kinda cool, but 3 apocalypses, 2 Armageddons and 4 movies about them later, It’s really getting boring. First, the general public. Nobody believes in… Continue…
Nu pot sa nu remarc tendinta in ceea ce priveste cititul (a la Farhrenheit 451): Trecut | Prezent | Viitor (prognoza)Carti serioase | Carti lejere | Carti de pokerZiare | Presa de scandal | Ce e ala ziar?RSS | 140 caractere | 0 caractere (ca se in… Continue…