It was the second weekend in March. Given the acute lack of snow over the winter, I was desperate. My new skiing setup was only (barely) used in resorts, on snow cover that was hardly skiable. So I decided to join Horatiu for the 7 hour drive to the remote Lomas Chalet near Toplita.
I must admit that I was expecting the amenities you would normally expect from a chalet that is car accessible (hot water, phone reception, maybe even wifi). Yet there was no hot water. There was no water whatsoever besides a stream and a well. No phone reception. No wall socket in the room (there were sockets in the common area, powered by a gas generator). My tablet didn’t catch any wifi signal (yeah, I admit, I’m interned addicted). Might seem I’m complaining, but I’m not. I loved it!
- This is for washing, I presume
- Lomas Chalet
- My roomies, Horatiu and Corina
Saturday morning, the second edition of Cupa Calimani took place. The weather was nice and sunny. The snow was the best I’ve seen all year. The course was not as steep as I’ve expected, but it was immensely fun. The idea of skiing through forests and through juniper trees, in areas that are otherwise inaccessible, is what attracted me to ski touring in the first place. I’ve also advanced since my previous contest; this time I finished the race and I wasn’t even last! (photos source)
The race was followed by the awards ceremony (tripped and nearly fell off the stage) and by an excellent hot meal (which was even excellent-er given it was the only hot meal in miles).
- The steps were too narrow!
Sunday we went skiing again in the Calimani Mountains. The weather wasn’t as nice. It was colder and the snow was frozen and hard to ski on. Yet that didn’t stop me from having a great time. I’m now looking forward for some more trips/contests/rides in the area.
- First part of the hike didn’t have snow
- Climbing on a forest road.
- Blizzard higher in the mountains.
- Switching to downhill.
- Planning my line.
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