Woke up at 3:45. Packed my stuff, then had breakfast: gallo pinto con huevos (red beans, rice and scrambled eggs).
Today’s route (“Taste of the rainforest”) was 38 km long, with 1800 m in climbing. Started the race as soon as it was light enough to run – 5:30 am. We were leaving early because it was the coolest time of the day. Started with a steep jungle ascent, while enjoying the sunrise… and sweating ourselves off.
- Track profile
- At the start line with Timo from Germany
Continued with a dirt road descent and got to the first checkpoint. After another jungle ascent, we got down to checkpoint 2. Along the way we were crossing streams every few kilometers. Each one was an opportunity to get my head, neck and cap wet. This really helped me not die in this weather.
- View towards the Pacific Ocean
From here it was mostly flat. The road followed a valley which opened up to the Pacific Ocean. The final 6 km were next to or on the beach. Finished in 7h21′.
- Wet and dirty makes the blisters sad
Today felt cooler that the day before. I think it was mostly my body getting used to the heat. It was a clear sunny day, so I think the actual temperature was higher that yesterday.
Our camp was in the village of Dominical, next to the ocean. The afternoon followed the ritual from the day before: eat fruits, pitch tent, eat lunch, shower, get a massage, wash clothes, see the doctor, eat dinner, technical briefing, write this blog post, sleep. The doctor patched up my 3 blisters (I noticed another one this morning), along with a tender toe nail. While he was working on my feet, I noticed the sun was setting. I imagine it was a great view, but even though the beach was 100 m away, I didn’t feel capable of traveling that much.
- Our camp for the evening
- Beware of rip currents
- Waiting in line