Category: Romania

For me, a relaxing weekend…
… is one that requires a couple of days of recovery. Therefore, Sunday morning (7am) we set off towards the newly ensnowed (cool word, right?) slopes of Poiana Brasov. Got there at 10 and, with the help of a multitasking ski rental guy, we were … Continue…

uberVU hackaton
Today, uberVU organized a hackaton (for non-tecky people, a hackaton is a place where people code for fun, with the purpose of building something in a small period of time, … so no, we didn’t hack any NASA servers). We gathered at the uberVU HQ,… Continue…

It’s official – I’m a biker
And I have a diploma to prove it:This was from Wednesday night, when I went on a ride with other bikey people around Bucharest, to improve tolerance in traffic towards bikers. I don’t have a lot of photos (biking and taking photos in the dark don’… Continue…