Mountain Bike & Chill in Marin County

Lazy Saturday. Took Papaya out without having a well defined route in mind. Something on the lines of: cross the Golden Gate Bridge, climb some hills, chill, get back. I was also testing my new SPDs, hoping I won’t get my knees grazed.

Which happened 15 minutes later. Stopped at the traffic light and fell on my side. When I remembered I had SPDs, it was too late. Managed to get to and across the Golden Gate Bridge without other incidents.

In Marin County, I went pretty much at random for the first part. After a nice descent on Coastal Trail, I spent 10 minutes on the beach at Rodeo Cove (got my feet almost burned from the absurdly hot sand), then went up the hills again. Eventually, I called it a day and tried going to Sausalito. Easier said than done, since there was a freeway between me and that town.

Eventually, I managed to find a bridge. Got to Sausalito, stopped at a colorful Mexican restaurant and got some quesadillas and iced tea*.



Headed back on Golden Gate Bridge and decided to go to the beach again. Not a bad day.

* Unlimited refills for drinks in restaurants. Sodas by the gallon in supermarkets. What more could one want?

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