The News – Ep.1: “Opulence, I has it”

In this post I’m introducing the Awesomeness Scale. This will be used to measure the awesomeness level of the events depicted here, so that you can easily comprehend which one is awesome and which one is even more awesome. Obviously, awesomeness is measured in machs.

Ever heard of the Fukushima cocktail? Good news! Now you can get one in Bucharest too! An obscure bar apparently started serving them. Awesomeness Mach 2

Dracula, Brancusi, Comaneci, Nastase, Hagi, Talmacean. Awesomeness Mach 6

Petite Lap Giraffe – coolest campaign since The Old Spice Guy. “Opulence, I has it”. Awesomeness Mach 6

Easter Offers: “Buy a gas heater and get a lamb“, “Buy half a lamb and get a bottle of Coca Cola“. Awesomeness Mach 3

Real Madrid just beat Barcelona and won the Copa del Rey. And then they ran it over with their bus. Awesomeness Mach 4 (would have been 6 if they did it on purpose)

The Easter bunnies have ben eaten by dogs. The horror! The pain! Awesomeness Mach 3. What do you think, are the dogs a problem that needs to be solved at once or should we just let nature take its course?

In acest articol voi introduce noua scara a awesomozitatii. Folosind aceasta scara, voi masura nivelul de awesomozitate a chestiilor prezentate pe blog, astfel ca tu sa stii ce e awesome si ce e si mai awesome. Nivelul de awesomozitate se masoara, evident, in machsi.

Ai auzit de cocktailul Fukushima? Vrei sa stii cum sa faci rost de unul? Vesti bune. Il poti gasi in Twilight Pub (nu stiu cum e, nu pot recomanda). Mach 2 pe scara Awesome

Dracula, Brancusi, Comaneci, Nastase, Hagi, Talmacean. Mach 6 pe scara Awesome

Petite Lap Giraffe – cea mai tare campanie de la Tipul Old Spice incoace. Mach 6 pe scara Awesome

Oferte de Paste: “Achizitionezi o centrala termica si primesti un miel“, “Cumperi o jumatate de miel si primesti o Coca Cola“. Mach 3 pe scara Awesome

Real Madrid i-a luat primul trofeu Barcelonei. Si apoi l-a calcat cu autobuzul. Mach 4 pe scara Awesome (ar fi fost 6 daca era intentionat)

Iepurasii de Paste au fost mancati de caini. Neglijabil in comparatie cu miile de oameni muscati anual doar in Bucuresti, dar totusi da bine ca titlu in ziar. Mach 3 pe scara Awesome. Ce crezi, sunt cainii o problema ce necesita o rezolvare imediata sau trebuie sa lasam natura sa isi urmeze cursul?

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