Two Marathons in Two Days – MPC and BIM

Preparing for some future challenges, an important test was running two back-to-back marathons. So I signed up for the top two running events in Romania (which happen to take place in consecutive days): – Piatra Craiului Marathon (10th edition): 38 km with about 2200 meters climbing, going around and over the namesake mountain – Bucharest Marathon (8th edition): 42 km on a new and very twisty route in and around the Continue…

Camping on the Piatra Craiului Ridge

It was my second time on the “La Lanturi” and “Northern Ridge” trails in Piatra Craiului. These are some of the hardest (and most famous) marked trails in Romania. If last time I did them in one go from Curmatura to Spirlea, this time we planned to camp right on the ridge and enjoy the views, calmness and remoteness of the mountain. Left Plaiul Foii at about 2 pm, after some Continue…

Trail Running Camp with Silviu Balan

I was always curios to see Silviu Balan run. I’d see him at the beginning of trail running races, then he would sprint ahead with the other top runners and I’d see him again at the awards ceremonies. Eager to learn from him, I joined one of his trail running camps. Arrived in Bunloc Friday evening. After a little socializing, went on to stretching and then to a run up Bunloc Continue…

MTB Banat – Almajului

Stopped for some hot food at Cabana Cerbul, near Minis Lake. They had little besides a wide variety of meat, so we had to make due with some fries. Moving back to biking, we continued with a section through the Cheile Nerei – Beusnita Natural Park. We had to cut it short here, as we still had a lot to cover. Descended to the Village of Lapusnicu Mare, where we Continue…

MTB Banat – Semenic

Friday started with a 7 hour train ride to Caransebes. I think that was my most expensive train ride ever, with a 95 RON fare for me and a 47 RON fare for the bike. All of this for just 400 km. CFR should be charging by the hour. This way, their fares would grow year over year. The first climb of the day took us up Nemanului Mountains, with Continue…